All items tagged with Geopolitics and Nuclear energy (6)

| After years of balancing between the European Union and Russia, this December saw Ukraine's government make a definite turn to the east, cho...

| South Stream is an ambitious endeavor of Russia’s energy giant Gazprom to get direct access to the EU energy market. It is portrayed and cri...

| Turkey is dedicated to playing a driving and constructive role in the timely, reliable, cost-effective and environmentally responsible trans...

| The European Union’s attempts to turn Turkey into an energy corridor to reduce its dependence on Russian imports has only been partially suc...

| Russia seems to be ready for more international cooperation in the energy sector. The Russian government is considering easing legal hurdles...

| The world was surprised when China emerged in 2004 as a major importer and consumer of oil. Today, that surprise has been replaced by growin...