All items tagged with PIC and Elektor Labs (24)

| El-cheapo wireless doorbells across the globe are so unoriginal it makes you wonder how much more e-rubbish we can tolerate in and around ou...

| Record a short video about something Elektor and make a chance to win a 3D printer, digital oscilloscope or one of the other great prizes! A...

| Programming a traffic light controller on a microcontroller is not too complicated, and an easy job for Arduino. But, wait a minute… it can...

| The purpose of this project is to provide a USB interface between an “old”, analog joystick with a game port connector (DA-15, better known...

| The project that we highlight this week concerns a subject that we encounter every once in a while: an electronic wind instrument. Based on...

| 180 LEDs controlled by a single PIC 18F46K22 clocked at 64 MHz. The program is written in C. Open source, open hardware; Use and improve.

| No, I'm not picky. I'm not rude. Why, I'll eat any kind of food. These are the first lines of a poem by Kenn Nesbitt and it applies particul...

| This project is about a single-channel signal analyzer and signal generator controlled over an Ethernet connection. The application(s) run o...

| Published in Elektor Magazine, July & August 2014 edition (UK: page 36)