All items tagged with project and LED (17)

|  LET'S MAKE! (a deal)During April 2014, all members posting projects in Elektor.LABS will receive a "Fun with LEDs" book for free.

| Anyone who has managed to make an LED turn on and off using BASCOM can also control the segments of a 7-segment display. That is the basis...

by clemo

| Simple circuit that will project the car's speed on the wind screen using 7-segment LED displays and a microcontroller.Update June 5, 2012

| Give the board a shake, and letters fall out? Not quite: but you can make your favorite message appear as if suspended in thin air. We use a...

| Projectors aren’t very expensive to buy and can be modified to produce a large display in the home. Point it at a white wall or projector sc...

| Clocks, as most of you will be aware, can take many shapes and sizes. Here is one with a fairly unusual read-out, intended as an eye catch...

| an introduction to an exceptiona1 project featured next month in Elektor Features â–  microprocessor-controlled â–  auto-rangin9 â–  alphanu...