All items tagged with relay and Board (9)

| I came up with this project because a colleague of mine wanted an easy way to control his three garage ports, so I thought it would be nice...

| Modular hardware enables us to create plug-and-play prototypes rapidly; all we need do is assemble predesigned building blocks. Exactly the...

| An I/O extension board targeted at industrial and control applications based on an IO-Warrior 56 module from Code Mercenaries. The board wil...

| Our ElektorBus series has shown how much interest there is in home automation applications. So far, the ElektorBus project has centered arou...

| In the April edition we presented an expansion PCB for the Elektor Linux board and mentioned at the same time that this could be used with o...

| With Wi-Fi modules pervasive it’s high time to start thinking about adding household appliances to your home Wi-Fi network. Controlling your...

| Our ElektorBus series has shown how much interest there is in home automation applications. Here we describe a small circuit board that can...

| Since time immemorial, people have always wanted to see the effects of their deeds and shown them to others. Among electronics hobbyists and...

| EIGHT-WAY RELAY BOARD Whatever they say, don"t believe that computer interfacing is within reach of the average owner of a personal micro eq...