All items tagged with RGB LED and Board (6)

| PocketBeagle Grove Kit® is an infinitely scalable tool for working with sensors and actuators aimed at helping beginners and professionals...

| You can use simple LED indicators to show the status of an application you are developing using an IoT board but you can convey so much more...

| In the last installment of this series, we developed a small sensor node based on the Pretzel board (equipped with an ATmega and ESP8266 WiF...

| In the last installment of this series I ported my mini-library for publishing MQTT messages to the Pretzel board which has an ATmega328 and...

| This project is a remake of the 120718 WiFi controller board. With this board you can control a ledstrip and 8 IO pins via an apdroid app or...

| With Wi-Fi modules pervasive it’s high time to start thinking about adding household appliances to your home Wi-Fi network. Controlling your...