All items tagged with Switch and oscillator (11)

| The circuit shows a switchable crystal oscillator which can generate any one of a number of set frequencies. Using the high-speed LT1394 com...

| Normally, a Wien bridge oscillator contains two identical capacitors and two iden tical (variable) resistors. That being the case, the t...

| 18 026 GENERAL INTEREST The programmable switch may be used, for instance, to simulate a data stream or, as 1 KBM 6 er may be used as the ba...

| 027 SWITCH-MODE VOLTAGE REGULATOR Switch-mode power supplies offer the user the benefit of a much greater efficiency than obtainable with a...

| 60 EE March 1989 EPROM-CONTROLLED TIME SWITCH by J. Vinckier Time switches can take many shapes. Where apparatus has to be switched on and o...

| EE July/August 1986 34 We all sometimes wish that some of the switches around the home were just a little easier to locate and operate, nota...

| for battery-operated equipment The low-power switching regulator type 4193, which is housed in an 8-pin miniature DIL package, is designed s...

| switches itself on (and off) This circuit forms a switch that can be triggered on (or off) at the onset of darkness and remain active for a...

| A with six switchable settings Most asynchronous receiver/transmit- ters (generally known as UARTs) operate at a clock frequency which is si...

| 7-42 — elektor july/august 1982 D1 1N4148 1. R1 R3 1N4148 N1 ... N4 = IC1 = 4011 A = from master oscillator B = to top octave generator 82...