More about Temperature sensor (179)

| This project has been triggered by the challenges being experienced by fridge operators, where sometimes they might think that they have clo...

| Summer is hardly a time to worry about frost, isn’t it? Or maybe it is if you want to protect your crop next spring? Fruit farmers utilize t...

| iButton DS1922L is well known and works with Windows 10 One wire viewer mainly.

| Every spring time I admire the flowering of the fruit trees in my garden. The first to flourish is an apricot tree. So early (begin of march...

| iButton DS1922L USB OTG MIT APP inventor extension, Start Mission, Stop mission, Read out mission, settings sample rate, accuracy mission

| A heavy-duty benchtop power supply from Joy-iT uses switched-mode digital regulation to provide a DC output supply in a range from 0-60 V a...

| This is a submission from Sensirion. The company has entered into a cooperation with Alps Alpine in the field of humidity and temperature se...

| There are often situations with a circuit or equipment where you want to add a module that can measure and display voltage, current, and per...

| The I²C bus standard is used in a wide variety of embedded applications. For testing and development purposes, Excamera Labs has developed t...

| This is a submission from Sensirion on their partnership with Delta Controls for using Sensirion’s environmental sensors in their thermostat...