More about Wi-Fi (78)

| It’s amazing and saddening to hear so many people claiming to be experts on Wi-Fi when all they know is .. programming. To them the fundamen...

| A smart little round box dubbed Knocki makes any surface sensitive to tapping or knocking. The Kickstarter campaign for Knocki has already p...

| Multimeters are nice and useful tools and you probably own at least one. Most of them have a large display to show the value, but no serial...

| The Chronos system from MIT is capable of determining the location of a WiFi device down to several tens of centimeters, without requiring a...

| How much energy is wasted globally every day by people pressing buttons on all sorts of equipment? Now, a self-powered product family for wi...

| As far was wearables are concerned there seems to be no age limits to their actual use. I’ve seen monitoring devices for grandparents in th...

| You see Wi-Fi everywhere now: at home, in the office and in the city. That lets you connect your smartphone to all sorts of other devices –...

| The French company Oledcomm displayed its technology at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (22-25 Feb 2016), where a smart phone is conn...

| This project is a remake of the 120718 WiFi controller board. With this board you can control a ledstrip and 8 IO pins via an apdroid app or...

| This project is a remake of the 120718 Wi-Fi Controller. With this board you can control an RGB LED strip and eight GPIO pins via an Android...