All items tagged with Android and Elektor TV (5)

| One of the courses provided by Microchip University is about rapid prototyping Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) apps for Android by using MIT App...

| This board, described in Elektor Magazine November-December 2016 issue, based on a AVR microcontroller ATmega 328 (as on the Arduino Uno) an...

| The TwinBot is a telepresence robot development platform you can build yourself. What makes it special is that the robot is designed as a se...

| Laird’s BL600 Bluetooth communication module, for which Elektor offers the famous e-BoB breakout board, is used here in a complete new and a...

| Elektor's Android I/O Board allows you to control a PIC microcontroller’s 25 I/O port pins with your Android device. Java classes make WiFi,...