More about BASIC (134)

| Although the simplest robots may be content to simply detecting obstacles, many robots that require precision in their positioning need to b...

| The instant success of this project from 1987 proved that there was lots of interest in programming a microcontroller in BASIC rather than a...

| This is the first instalment of an FPGA course based on the versatile FPGA unit and associated prototyping board described in the last issue...

| This short course on Visual Basic 2005 programming is designed especially for the electronics enthusiasts. These are people most likely to b...

| What do most electronics engineers enjoy a lot? Designing printed circuit boards, of course! In an irregular series of articles we would lik...

| The use of batteries has never been greater. Batteries are becoming smaller and lighter even as they package more and more energy per unit v...

| In a fix? Need to get a microcontroller project off the ground FAST? This article proves that an ultra-versatile microcontroller board can b...

| Not many PC users are aware that the well-known Microsoft Word includes a programming environment for Visual Basic. It allows you to get to...

| Prices of CompactFlash cards having dropped considerably over the past year or so, the author decided to design a parallel PC interface that...

| We have received many questions from readers regarding our microcontroller course. The most interesting questions are summarised in this lis...