More about DCF77 (7)

| Simulators and reliable signal sources simplify testing during circuit and software development. Here is a small, easy-to-build module that...

| This project, a replica of Düsseldorf’s iconic Rhine Tower, demonstrates the joint creative power of an Elektor freelance author and an Elek...

| In case DCF77 reception worsened in your home or lab due to electromagnetic interference created by modern switching power supplies, conside...

by fuso

| About 20 years ago I recycled and modernized a very old nixie clock built by my father in the 70's, with an 87C51 and a DCF77 module which r...

| What makes this DCF-Clock different is that it shows the string of incoming bits from a DCF-receiver and their meaning. There are two string...

| A clock design in a FPGA written mostly in VHDL. I have two designs available. Both are synthesized to a Altera MAX FPGA EPM1270T144C5, JTAG...

| This program is the result of some research into decoding the time signals transmitted bv DCF77 (in Germany) with the aid of a personal c...