All items tagged with hydrogen and Elektor Energy (61)

| Regulations must keep up with the increasing speed of innovation in the transition to decentralised renewable energy, agreed experts from bu...

| While EU’s dependency on Russian energy resources has been in the spotlight of the political and media debates in Europe and across the Atla...

| The European Union counts 28 Member States as of mid-2013. All these countries have a different energy history and their actual energy statu...

| In the coming years, one of East London's disused brown field sites will form the basis for an ultra modern fuel facility. About 500,000 ton...

| With its new "clean fuels strategy" the European Commission is proposing the rollout of a standardised charging infrastructure that is suppo...

| In this edition of our newsletter I discuss some possible Roads to Re-industrialisation in Europe. I have this strange notion that this is a...

| When I got together with an associate* recently to take stock of what 2013 might hold in store for the energy sector, we soon discovered the...

| Europe's natural gas industry is going through dark times. Policy failures within the European Union have combined with unexpected developme...

| "Christmas has come early," announced EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard in Brussels on Tuesday in awarding €1.2bn of EU grants to 23...

| The most likely recipient of millions of fresh EU funds for carbon capture and storage (CCS) now appears to be the unlikeliest candidate of...