All items tagged with technology and Design (9)

| Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, was launched in 1957. It captured the attention of the entire world with the eerie beeps it trans...

| This article is explaining our answers to the readers questions.

| The LM75 from National Semiconductor is a temperature sensor, Delta-Sigma analogue-todigital converter (ADC), and digital over-temperatu...

| It is just about ten years ago that this magazine published the design of a barometer/altimeter. In these ten years electronics techno...

| In this article we answer the questions of our readers.

| In this article we talk about your letters. You send us advices and wishes, what could be changed. Here you'll find our response to it.

| The direct conversion or synchrodyne receiver was invented several decades ago, but only with the advent of modern semiconductor technology...

| Surface mount technology (SMT) was developed in the 1980s to make possible the use of very small components that have no wire leads or pi...

| EDIF is a standard data format for electronic design information transfer between CAD systems, and supports gate array and semicustom IC d...