All items tagged with technology and Fast (8)

| A team at the University of Illinois has unveiled a battery design which offers 10 times the energy density and 1000 times faster recharge t...

| Since the early 1990s, it has been possible to interconnect a television receiver with the telephone system to provide a user interactive...

| When modems were young (a long time ago), they were used in teleprinter circuits at the sedate speed of 45.45 signals (also called elements...

| The aim of the design of this 'zener diode' is to obtain a fast voltage regulator that can provide high currents. The circuit is based on...

| The rectifier is intended to improve the bandwidth of most digital multimeters. It is based on a halfwave rectifier in a traditional set-...

| Switching transistors are usually driven into saturation. which has an adverse effeet on the switching speed. This effect is eliminated,o...

| Almost ten years ago, the CMOS logic technology took a giant step forward with the introduction of the HC and HCT series. However, in the...

| Scientists and engineers at Hydraulics Research Ltd, a company based near Oxford, are involved in the massive task of constructing a three-d...