All items tagged with technology and Television (6)

| Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, was launched in 1957. It captured the attention of the entire world with the eerie beeps it trans...

| Since the early 1990s, it has been possible to interconnect a television receiver with the telephone system to provide a user interactive...

| The circuit detects a change in video information and uses this to switch on an alarm in a closed-circuit television guard system of a vi...

| Most of us are familiar with the teletext services offered by the BBC and the IBA in the UK and television stations in most other countri...

| Audio-frequency technology is of particular interest to many electronics enthusiasts since it seems to surround us in our everyday life in...

| The constructian of a UHF amplifier frightens most people, unless they are expertenced radio/TV enthusiasts. They should, therefore, appr...