More about Wi-Fi (78)

| [Partner Content] This white paper explains the capabilities of Wi-Fi HaLow, how it can be integrated into IoT solutions, and how its perfor...

| The installation of a weather station usually requires the fitting of a set of dedicated sensors on the roof, which, for various reasons, is...

| The Challenger RP2040 WiFi is a microcontroller board from iLabs. It combines a Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller with an ESP8285 for Wi-F...

| Logging debug data from a microcontroller to a laptop is not always convenient. Either there is no spare laptop, or the development board is...

| Logging debug data from a microcontroller to a laptop is not always convenient. Either there is no spare laptop or the development board is...

| [Partner Content] Nordic’s dedicated engineers are back on the road for the Nordic Tech Tour 2022, sharing their latest product updates and...

| Smart plugs or Wi-Fi-enabled sockets can be had for less than €15 these days. They allow lamps and other consumer appliances to be controlle...

| We have already featured a number of CO2 concentration meters in Elektor. Almost all of them feature a Wi-Fi interface so that you can check...

| Raspberry Pi announces three new products: the Pico W, H and WH. All three are updates of the Raspberry Pi Pico board, which has become quit...

| Thinking of using the Raspberry Pi Pico? We cover the essentials and detail a project with Wi-Fi, the Pico, and a smartphone.