All items tagged with computer and CAN (16)

| Printer buffers serve to ensure that the data to be printed are taken from the computer as quickly as possible so that th e computer can...

| The popular 80C535 single-board computer described a few months aga in this magazine has a powerful microcontroller, and can be used for a...

| MS-DOS is a program developed for controlling a computer system, which it can do with a variety of procedures. One of these is the making...

| When the disk drive indicator of a computer cannot be read (since the computer is under or beside the table) it may be useful. If difficu...

| Programming pocket computers is normally a tricky job, owing to the small keys and the small memory. The pocket computers from Sharp, whi...

| computer-controlled els (ader elektor december 1984 The use of two slide projectors and this computer-controlled slide fader enables the pic...