All items tagged with Espressif and ESP32 (83)

| Elektor's newly released book "Building Wireless Sensor Networks with OpenThread" covers methods of setting up open-source sensor networks f...

| The ArtNet protocol has brought the DMX standard to the network. The new ArtNet devices are, of course, backward compatible with the DMX sta...

| In the March/April edition of Elektor Mag, we dive into numerous embedded projects and AI-related topics, including ML with the Jetson Nano,...

| RS-232 goes wireless! A modern and low-cost ESP32 module will give wings to a serial interface. In addition to its serial link communication...

| Go wireless with RS-232! With an Espressif ESP32 module, you can give wings to a serial interface. In addition to its serial link communicat...

| Catch the missed live stream of Lab Talk from January 25, 2024, featuring ESP32 projects, the creation of the guest-edited Espressif edition...

| The declassification is complete! Download the full Espressif guest-edited Bonus Edition of Elektor Mag. You are sure to find inspiration on...

| Join us for another episode of Elektor Lab Talk on January 25, 2024. Editors Jens Nickel and Brian Tristam Williams will meet Jeroen Domburg...

| The installation of a weather station usually requires the fitting of a set of dedicated sensors on the roof, which, for various reasons, is...

| We are delighted to welcome Espressif as Elektor Mag’s 2023 guest editor. The issue is available now! Dive into projects, interviews, and tu...