All items tagged with Graphics and Raspberry Pi (11)

| Many projects with a microcontroller inside have to display something. In the past, 2-line text displays were common and sufficient, but tod...

| At last, the new Raspberry Pi 4 hardware has arrived. The last time new hardware arrived the steps forward were modest if not small. From Ra...

| RISC OS, the original OS for ARM processors is now available as a fully Open Source operating system (OS), via the Apache 2.0 licence under...

| Since the introduction of the first Raspberry Pi (RPi) a few years ago, many similar boards have seen the light. Banana Pi (BPi) is a series...

| Many designers are using the community boards available in the market for their proof of concept and to evaluate their idea on a valid, work...

| If you need a Mini PC that is both cheap and insanely powerful, look no further. The UDOO X86, live on Kickstarter, is both The Most Powerfu...

| It’s only relatively recently that Intel has been producing x86-based, multi-cored processors with a specification suitable for use in credi...

| Over the last few months the Asian manufacturer Shenzhen Xunlong Software has released a number of capable open-spec single board computers...

by MC

| On the Raspberry Pi’s second birthday its creator and Broadcom employee Eben Upton wrote in a blog post that open-source graphics drivers fo...

| The Pidora project at the Seneca Center for Development of Open Technology (CDOT) in Toronto (Canada) has developed a new version of the Fed...