More about IoT (721)

| In previous parts of this series we saw how to use a web page on a local network to configure an IoT device. In this part, we use a web pag...

| Wireless Meter Rule (Wi-Me) with an Application Interface for easy survey a d data acquisition.

by f5oqo

| Connect the world via RF from anywhere in the world with your smartphone.

by JnFr

| ESP32-PICO-KIT may acquire several parameters used for meteorological informations. Those data are transmitted to a laptop to store the acq...

| Doorbell rings, it's upset go to the windows to see who is outside and then go to open the door. I propose streaming between ESP32 and Andro...

| The upcoming 3/2018 edition of Elektor Magazine (May & June) focuses on Wireless Communication for IoT and will be delivered to over 15,000...

by marax

| Use the ESP32 as a serial gateway (Bluetooth to Serial or Wifi Httpserver to serial) to connect a phone or tablet on any serial device (SPI,...

by khera

| A small accurate pulse oxy-meter using IR LED, Red Led and ESP32 kit with wifi and blue tooth connectivity with mobile/PC/Monitor.

| The idea is to make Smart Thermostat that can be control from mobile phones.

| A new kit jointly created by Lime Microsystems and seeed studio is claimed to provide everything you need to get started learning SDR basics...