More about OS Windows (150)

| Blend Micro is an Arduino development board with built-in Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart) connectivity targeted at dev...

| Broadcom have introduced two new system on chip (SoC) controllers intended for integration into peripheral equipment such as remote controll...

| You don't have a Raspberry Pi, but you are nevertheless curious how this popular platform works? With the aid of the open-source processor-e...

| An upgrade to the TBS1000B budget range of oscilloscopes introduced by Tektronix last year now adds an interactive teaching mode to the scop...

| The Beijing-based company responsible for the freeware Maxthon cloud browser have announced its alpha release for Linux. Maxthon for Windows...

by MC

| The software accompanying USB scopes has up till now, almost universally, been designed to work with Windows machines.  Pico Technology who...

by MC

| The Bluetooth Smart SDK released by Nordic Semiconductor is a port of an existing SDK available for the nRF8001 Bluetooth Smart connectivity...

by MC

| New Year is a time for celebrating and also a time for relaxing, if you recently spent any couch time playing some of the newest gaming rele...

| Gone are the candles of old (a fire hazard we can all do without!) that might have adorned a Christmas tree in times past. On the other hand...

| The TenAsys INtime real-time operating system allows embedded system developers to run multiple instances of the OS alongside Windows on the...