All items tagged with Radio and FM (20)

| The very simple transmitter described here will let you test RDS equipped receivers and investigate faults, and could be used as the basis f...

| The U2514B is an integrated bipolar radio circuit suitable for digital tuning systems. It contains an FM front end with preamplifier a...

| The Radio Data is now well established among VHF- FM broadcasters aiming at providing additional information with their radio programmes. In...

| This article describes a simple 'sure-fire' FM ATV transmitter which uses surface mount technology throughout. It also outlines how a typi...

| Welcome to this new two-monthly column in which we will be covering the fascinating hobby of long-distance TV reception, or DX-TV, as it...

| This transceiver was designed in response to a need for a simple, easy to build, self-contained radio for use through the loeal 23-em (...

| The 2-metre band has been popular tor three decades and Ionger tor short, medium-range and mobile communication between radio amateurs,...

| This simple to build antenna booster offers a gain of some 20 dB over a frequency range that covers the VHF FM radio band and the whole of...

| This FM radio, designed by ElV GmbH, consists of an insertion card for IBM PC-XTs, ATs and compatibles and is available as a kit or a read...

| with just six transistors To the best of our knowlegde this is the simplest FM radio that can be made. Not only that but it also works quite...