More about Security (142)

| Engineers from the Rutgers University in New Jersey have developed an identification system that detects the vibrations in a finger in order...

| For little cost it is possible to add the GT-521F52 fingerprint scanner to a microcontroller, an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi, a computer, or to...

| Hajime is the name of a malware — a worm — that is currently infecting thousands of devices connected to the public Internet. The worm mainl...

| In close cooperation with PRQA, Elektor is offering a free download of three high-quality papers on how to create secure embedded software....

| Improve software security; reduce development time

| With an expected 500 billion connected devices in 2022, we can't secure the Internet of Things on the device level, said Professor Frank Fit...

| Are your communications secure? There are many overhyped "cryptophones" and crypto software programs available today, but can you really tru...

| Certain documents from the LoRa Consortium show that LoRaWAN uses the AES 128 algorithm to encrypt messages. However, according to French IT...

by lux36

| A logical sequel to RNG-5 hardware random number generator- one-time pad crypto system, very secure, virtually unbreakable peer-to-peer comm...

| Portugal and Spain can play an important role in Europe´s energy security and diversification. The import capacity of LNG by Iberian ports i...