All items tagged with programmable and Review (20)

| This is a submission from Rutronik on the Nordic Semiconductor dual processor SoC (System on Chip) nRF5340. With the Preview Development Kit...

| Using the small power supply module DPS5005 from JOY-iT, a programmable laboratory power supply can be put together. The module can (at the...

| One of the most useful bits of kit on a test bench — especially if you regularly deal with analogue circuits — just has to be a function gen...

| The ADALM-2000 — M2k for friends — is a portable electronics lab intended as an easy-to-use introductory hardware platform for students of a...

| The M5Stack base module contains an ESP32 board along with a 320 x 240 pixels graphics-capable colour display all packaged in a cute case. I...

| The MonoDAQ-U-X is a rather curiously shaped measuring device roughly the size of a packet of cigarettes. According to the manufacturer it i...

| If only we could say that "No StromPi 3 was harmed during the making of this review“ we would be happy, but unfortunately it didn't work out...

| All machine vision systems need cameras, and this is where the German camera specialist Basler comes in. Not only do they offer a full range...

| FPGA development remains a complicated job, but open source and open hardware tools like TinyFPGA manage to make it more accessible. Althoug...

| This kit enables the rapid development of applications for fun, sound, useful or just pleasing. With conductive ink and other conductors of...