All items tagged with Retronics and Elektor TV (5)

| Why connect an obsolete 360KB floppy disk drive to a Raspberry Pi? Because it is there, as George Mallory certainly would have said if he ha...

| Housed inside a keyboard, the Raspberry Pi 400 brings back memories of famous computers from the eighties.

| The principle of magnetic recording had been first demonstrated in 1898 by Valdemar Poulsen. Roughly half a century later, between 1946 and...

| Have you ever seen a PIC-driven Enigma or a World War 2 Spy Set? In our previous webinar, CryptoMuseum’s Marc Simons and Paul Reuvers showc...

| The electronics student of today was probably born somewhere in the mid-nineties of the last century. That may sound like a long time ago, b...