More about Review (362)

| Often it is fine to use something without wondering why, what or how, but sometimes it is useful to understand why things are the way they a...

| As one of the oldest editors at Elektor I have witnessed with horror the decline of knowledge about, and precise expressivity about, passive...

| In this series we have developed MQTT clients able to send messages back and forth over the internet. With the summer break behind us we tak...

| These days, most microcontrollers with flash program memory can be programmed in-circuit. But it wasn't that long ago that every electronics...

| The free online PCB checking and editing tools made available by Eurocircuits are not just useful and practical, they also have a fun side....

| The Peltier lamp offered by Elektor is a project with a surprising principle: power a LED reading lamp with the energy from one candle. The...

| There are already many articles, projects and videos featuring the red Pretzel board which consists of an Arduino Nano with an integrated Wi...

| The FreeSoC2 PSoC® 5LP Dev Board uses Cypress ARM processors and built-in configurable hardware to make a versatile system that can be used...

| Sometimes you need to fit equipment with a display able to show electrical signals or waveforms. Oscilloscope modules are available from the...

| If you have ever ordered a PCB somewhere you will probably have noticed some text on the manufactured boards that was not present in your or...