More about Robots (221)

| The Proton robot from Elektor is a versatile platform that’s suitable for students, enthusiasts and professionals alike. The robot can opera...

| One integrated circuit, a small motor and a handful of passive parts make a basic light tracker.

| The future is here! Meet EcoBot III, an advanced, high tech robot blessed with the ability to... eat. And all by itself at that: EcoBot III...

| California based company Makani Power Inc. (Mah kah' nee = Wind / Breeze) is one step closer to developing a prototype energy harvesting kit...

| Artificial Intelligence and ‘Intelligent Robots’ are topics that fire the imagination. Generally, imagination runs ahead of what can be achi...

| The objective here is for different robots to seek each other out and to recognise their response. For the sensors we use an infrared transm...

| If you are planning to invest in a Lego Mindstorms ystem for a child, teenager or even for your own personal use you should be aware that yo...

| This demonstration uses simple robotic vehicles, each of which contains a very simple program. Each robotic vehicle has two driven wheels an...

| A voice changer that emulates a so-called Cylon voice can be implemented with the help of a small microcontroller. Those of you who have wat...

| The InstMC Wessex Section has donated a number of Lego Mindstorms Robot kits to Education Establishments in the Hampshire and Dorset Area an...