All items tagged with Switch and Circuit (26)

| The delay is intended to switch on the mains to heavy loads gradually to ensure that the switch-on current remains within certain Iimits...

| The RC switch is a well-known and very popular adjunct in the world of model craft. It makes it possible to use the joystick for op...

| A current detector and a threshold switch are not sufficient when in comes to building an electronic fuse. Such a circuit would be trigger...

| The advantage of a touch witch over a traditional, mechanical, witch is that its operation is not degraded by wear and tear.

| Although a digital circuit for driving a load such as a lamp or a d.c. motor is fairly simple, it has a few drawbacks. It does not make t...

| This circuit switches two electrical loads on and off under the control of an acoustic signal. The remote control operates reliably up to...

| The switching unit described here is capable of controlling up to seven mains-powered loads with the aid of commands received via telephon...

| When a battery is charged by a solar panel during the day, it may discharge via that panel after sunset. This may, of course, be prevente...

| The power off circuit ensures that the load is automatically removed from a battery. Itis particularly useful in cars, so that if the dri...

| This circuit meets the requirement for a simple, low-cost timer with a timing range of a less than a second to several tens of hours, and...