More about Switch (454)

| This is a submission from Rutronik on the wideband RF diversity switches BGS14WMA9 and BGS12WN6 with high switching speed and optimized for...

| A proportional radio control is ideal for controlling the speed and direction of model cars, planes or boats. Unfortunately, there are often...

| To many engineers a switch is either open or closed. Although this view suffices most of the time, there are situations where it is too simp...

| An adjustable voltage/current source for use as a battery charger or a dedicated power supply is a practical tool for any electronics labora...

| While doing some research on the 50-year-old famous voltage regulator IC µA723 I made an unexpected discovery.

| This article describes the electronics, the BL600 program and the Android program; the last being an Android smartphone application with whi...

| The principles of operation of high-side and low-side load switching are easy to grasp, but when do you prefer one method over the other?

| Light beams are useful for sensing in all kinds of applications if other light sources, often sunlight, don’t interfere. Modulating the beam...

| Microchip Technology Inc., via its Microsemi subsidiary, announces a cost-effective eight-port Power over Ethernet (PoE) switch which provid...

| Scientists at KIT have developed a new control method for switching power supplies, which enables the replacement of reservoir electrolytic...