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| From the creators of MAKE Magazine comes a new 60-page Arduino special, sold together with an original Arduino Uno for only €24.95. For a li...

| Start-ups and Pro Makers are today's gold and together with prospectors and miners they have engaged in a frantic gold rush, hoping to dig u...

| As I am sure you know from the ton of publicity Elektor sprouted around it, the Intel Edison development platform is designed to make it eas...

| We had heard about Software Defined Radio (SDR), Networking (SDN) and Storage (SDS), but Software Defined Programming? Isn’t programming sof...

| Last time we looked at Altium CircuitMaker and some of its unique features. Now let’s make a project and start a design to see how it works.

| Whatever sized company you work in, one thing remains constant; change. Here at Matrix our main business is the development and supply of mi...

| When a manufacturer releases a B version of an existing product the differences are marginal in most cases. Not so with the new ATmega328P,...

| In addition to manufacturing PCBs, Eurocircuits also offers support for the assembly of the circuit on the circuit board. This time we take...