All items tagged with Design and filter (18)

| In electronics, filters are required for all sorts of applications, ranging from a simple audio circuit to the speech processor in a GSM pho...

| AUDIO HI-FI audio DAC 2000 Part 2 digital filter and DACs Last month'??s Part 1 of this article dealt primar INTRODUCTION It is clear from t...

| When considering the design of a filter, one is inclined to think of a combination of inductors, resistors, and capacitors, perhaps in ass...

| When the loudspeaker of your audio installation crackles or your computer gives problems, the cause may lie in disturbances on the ma...

| The sine/cosine filter has several applications in audio equipment thanks to its virtually constant phase shift. As an example, the desig...

| Usually, the -3 dB (and -20 dB) roll-off points on the frequency characteristic of a filter are found with the aid of an oscilloscope or a...

| The circuit serves to select one of the inputs and to separate the chroma and VBS-signals. Note that,inspite of the English language fron...

| 42 PRACTICAL FILTER DESIGN PART 10 by H. Baggott This final part of the series discusses all-pass filters. Strictly speaking, these networks...

| PRACTICAL FILTER DESIGN PART 9 by H. Baggott Following last month"s discussion of Chebishev filters with a ripple of 0.1 dB in the pass band...

| 62 PRACTICAL FILTER DESIGN PART 8 by H. Baggott The Chebishev section has one of the steepest cut-off profiles of all types of filter. Unfor...