All items tagged with Elektor TV and Elektor (58)

| micro:bit is a small computer with which you can do lots of nice things. One thing which only looks nice but isn't as soon as you start usin...

| Elektor has built and published a lot of radio receivers over the years. Back in 2007 we published a project for a software defined radio (S...

| In good experimental fashion, this project is a valuable study into what can be achieved with ‘commodity embedded technology’ like a Raspber...

| Demonstration of a fun little FM radio that can be controlled over an I²C bus. Shown is how to do this in two versions. One with an ATtiny85...

| This inexpensive Network Connected Signal Analyzer (NCSA) adds a simple oscilloscope, basic signal generation and spectrum analysis to your...

| The remarkable precision of this device and its amazing ease of use are the result of careful design. It works so well behind its uncluttere...

| Control your lights at home, your LEGO Robots and many other wireless projects with the Pretzelboard, a low cost yet powerful easy-to-use I...

| eRIC Nitro features an ATmega328 AVR microcontroller with Arduino bootloader and a low-power eRIC radio module operating in the ISM band (43...

| eC-placer is designed and priced for prototype and small series assembly. It speeds up component placement, allowing significant savings in...

| Easy to solder real time watch kit with a unique laser cut acrylic casing . Four individual acrylic parts cut to fit the internal PCB, batte...