All items tagged with phone and Elektor Labs (8)

by ReBo

| The Quectel M95FA GSM/GPRS shield cannot be used with the Arduino Uno without some (easy, but neccessary) hardware modifications.

| Take control remotely by sending SMS text messages. Up to four relays can switch a heater, lights, and/or pumps. An optional temperature sen...

| Even though today's computers, tablets and smartphones are capable of producing ultra high-quality digital audio, it's left to cheap digital...

| So you’re back from holidays spent somewhere in a hot and sunny place, enjoying the a hotel or beach resort with organized activities like m...

| Browsing Elektor Labs from old to new I came across an interesting project from 2013 to transform a remote controlled cable car into a Wi-Fi...

| Most of the time simple solutions are the best. “Keep it simple, stupid” or KISS is a well-known but often ignored design principle. Not so...

| Laird’s BL600 Bluetooth communication module, for which Elektor offers the famous e-BoB breakout board, is used here in a complete new and a...