All items tagged with Power Supplies and Amplifier (8)

| For those who frown upon any shape or form of switched-mode power supply (SMPS) for the high-end Fortissimo-100 Power Amplifier, this projec...

| Need an alternative to a switched-mode power supply? This project yields a 500+ VA, linear, symmetrical voltage regulator marked by low drop...

| No worries, it's happened to everyone: you switch on an electrical device and the mains fuse blows. In most cases, that does not mean the eq...

| This month we close off the discussions of the individual boards that make up the preamplifier, both in terms of theory of operation and con...

| As already mentioned in the previous parts of this article, this final amp needs more than just a heavy-duty symmetrical power supply. In th...

| The magnification of very weak audio-frequency signals is and remains a precarious affair. That is why a microphone amplifier good en...

| Following the detailed description of the preamplifier in last month's installment, this second and final part of the article deals with t...

| If a d.c. coupled output amplifier breaks down during operation, the loudspeakers, particularly the bass units, are at risk. The bass par...