More about Power Supplies (297)

| Some subjects remain popular for DIY projects, either because a satisfactory solution has not yet been found or just because the result is s...

| National Instruments (NI) has announced a new and more powerful version of its versatile VirtualBench instrument. The software-based Virtual...

| FPGAs, especially the large ones that contain millions of transistors, need very good power supplies to function properly. Because power qua...

| In 2010 we published a power supply called UniLab (project 090786). It was able to deliver 30 V and 3 A. This design can be considered its s...

| Adjustable Switch-Mode Power Supply capable of delivering 30V and a maximum current of 3 A (5 A is possible, but with reservations).

| Two major operators of Dutch power grids, Liander and Enexis, are all set to roll out 'Smart Cable Guard’, a revolutionary system that can p...

| The UK National Grid earlier this week issued a Notification of Inadequate System Margin (NISM) as a result of multiple energy plant breakdo...

| The power wasted by domestic appliances in standby mode can be appreciable. A new off-line power-converter IC from STMicroelectronics promis...

| Buy a power supply today and it doesn’t look much different from any other piece of test gear; covered in buttons with a TFT display and the...

| STMicroelectronics has added to its MDmesh M2 family of N-channel power MOSFETs with new devices rated at 600 V offering significantly impro...