All items tagged with Raspberry Pi Pico and MicroPython (6)

by Ramji

| Driving motors with Raspberry pi pico and MicroPython using L298N motor driver shield.

| A robot arm that can move in many directions and pick up objects thanks to six articulations is a fun toy to play with, and even more so whe...

| While I was playing with the Raspberry Pi Pico, the SB Components Pico LoRa Expansion Board landed on my desk with all its pomp and splendor...

| A robot arm that can move in many directions and pick up objects thanks to six articulations is a fun toy to play with, and even more so whe...

| Interested in amateur radio and the Raspberry Pi? You're in luck. The new book, Raspberry Pi Pico for Radio Amateurs, is filled with useful...

| Using a Raspberry Pi Pico with MicroPython is a beginner-friendly way to program. Adding a SeeedStudio RFM95 LoRa module and a DS18B20 tempe...