All items tagged with Raspberry Pi Pico and RP2040 (14)

| Even when lights and appliances are controlled by a home automation system, it is often desirable to have an override option to switch on or...

| The Challenger RP2040 WiFi is a microcontroller board from iLabs. It combines a Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller with an ESP8285 for Wi-F...

| The Raspberry Pi RP2040 is a sub-$1 microcontroller with amazing capabilities. Luke Wren, one of the engineers who worked on the MCU, talks...

| Luke Wren, one of the engineers of the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller, has achieved some amazing things by pushing this little chip to...

| The engineers at Raspberry Pi needed a simple solution for debugging Arm-based microcontrollers, such as their own RP2040 chips. They develo...

| Whether it’s necessary or just cool, sometimes you want to go down to the nuts and bolts, or, in microcontroller parlance, the “bare metal,”...

| At the beginning of 2021, the Raspberry Foundation announced the Raspberry Pi Pico. As the readers of Elektor magazine know, this is not jus...

| It's been a busy few weeks for our friends Raspberry Pi, from a huge Raspberry Pi Pico promotion at Embedded World 2022 to the June 30 launc...

| The RP2040 is the first microcontroller chip designed by the team at Raspberry Pi. It was first fitted to the maker-friendly Raspberry Pi Pi...

| The Raspberry Pi is well known as a single-board computer (SBC) running Linux on it, but the new Raspberry Pi Pico is different. While still...