
The next chapter, Chapter 17, is dedicated to the thorny subject of magnetic modelling of inductances and transformers with their non-linear saturating behaviour. LTspice being originally designed for switched-mode power supply (SMPS) simulation (its first incarnation was under the name ‘SwitcherCAD’) this is where it excels, naturally.


The final chapters 18 to 20 summarise commands, present examples and answer frequently asked questions.

Can one become addicted to LTspice?

The LTspice IV Simulator book is a great reference for anyone trying to get more out of LTspice. Browsing the book reveals the incredible power and endless possibilities of the program that you would never have discovered without it. The question “Can one become addicted to LTspice IV?” as posed in Section 20.15 definitely is a valid one.

The book is a reference or a manual, not a tutorial. Having said that, as the described functions become more and more complex, examples illustrating the concepts sneak in too. Chapter 19 contains examples only.

Although the book title refers to LTspice version 4 (IV), it is equally valid for version 17 (XVII, the current one) as the changes mainly apply to under-the-hood stuff.

Don't forget Part 2

It is highly recommended to also get a copy of Part 2 since it contains lots of useful information not only about commands introduced after the edition of Part 1, but also a wealth of examples and even an index to the LTspice blog.

Grab the hardcover edition if you can. Due to the number of pages, the glued version of the book will not stay open on your desk where it belongs, definitely.