More about Elektor Energy (1791)

| Energy journalist Chris Cragg takes a unique look at the history of the most important reference work in the energy industry: the BP Statist...

| In Finland, a nuclear reactor is being built – the first new nuclear plant in more than twenty years in Europe and the world’s largest. Now...

| The new Italian government of Silvio Berlusconi has announced the end of the “nuclear-free” period in Italy which started with Chernobyl. Ma...

| Can Europe lead the world into a “third industrial revolution” – one that will take us away from disruptive centralised power systems into a...

| Europe threatens to be overtaken by China and the US as the leading wind power market. In fact, China is producing more wind turbines than e...

| The Danish capital Copenhagen relies more and more on renewables for power and heat. Not just for environmental reasons - the city also hope...

| The Spanish government is trying to improve Spain’s vulnerable position in relation to energy by creating a national champion. Whether it wi...

| After the devastating natural disasters that have hit China recently, another crisis is looming. Drought, pollution and heavy usage in the f...

| South Africa will struggle with energy capacity shortages until at least 2015. Giant coal-fired power plants are now being built to solve th...

| With oil prices hitting ever new highs, debate continues to rage over the state of the world’s oil supplies. Unfortunately, reliable informa...