All items tagged with LCD and Arduino (14)

| Here’s a quick primer on sending data over the SPI bus from one microcontroller to another. The data is this case consists of 10-bit reading...

| Sometimes a project is given such a name that you (read: me!) do not immediately know what it represents or what it does, an ‘Earth Listener...

| Author Burkhard Kainka’s inspiring Foreword in the book I’m reviewing here has important clues as to why software defined radio (SDR) is a h...

| Even though the Internet of Things or IoT has been buzzing for a while now, it still remains somewhat inaccessible to many people. The Sunfo...

| Arduino is the electronic Swiss Army knife of simple and creative programming. There remains the question of parts, soldering, wires…. that...

| The Arduino is a real jack-of-all-trades. You can use this inexpensive microcontroller board for all kinds of things thanks to the expansion...

| The rows of pin header connectors on an Arduino are a practical solution for installing shields and make prototyping a cinch on the test ben...

| ST Microelectronics have introduced a Development board powered by a STM32F746NGH6 microcontroller which has an ARM Cortex –M7 core with 1 M...

| This week FTDI Chip have announced a range of Arduino-compatible development platforms supporting the company’s Embedded Video Engine (EVE)...

| Whether you’re just beginning your journey into the world of microcontroller development or you’re looking for a way to see that ambitious r...