All items tagged with LCD and Apple (6)

| A (hobby) electronics engineer needs at least two pieces of equipment to be able to work on an electronic circuit: a multimeter and a solder...

| Pico Technology’s 2000 series USB oscilloscopes have a fine “bandwidth” both in terms of “megahertz” and cost: from the £99 10 MHz entry-lev...

| The Elektor department for tools, equipment, kits also contains some really useful articles: Some of my more recent articles include the DV...

| Steve's voyage to Lilliput may not be exactly the kind of applications for which the ESP-32 SoC was designed, but it deserves two minutes of...

| Microchip is reaching out to Apple users with their Wi-Fi Software Development Kit (SDK). The SDK supports the Apple HomeKit platform which...

| At first glance, this sound meter kit does not really fit into the “maker” approach, but more into the classic DIY kit, as has existed since...