Embedded Pi is a triple play platform for Raspberry Pi, Arduino and 32 bit embedded ARM. Blending all three communities together, Embedded Pi helps to get the most out of each platform.

Based on the STMicroelectronics STM32F103 MCU, it can operate as a bridge between Raspberry Pi and Arduino shields and in standalone mode as a Cortex-M3 evaluation board.
Embedded Pi has three operation modes, selectable by jumpers, to fulfill all the possibilities of operation to get most out of all: STM32/standalone mode, ST-Adapter mode and Raspberry Pi mode.
Embedded Pi is available in Elektor's webstore

• Provides Raspberry Pi with easy access to abundant Arduino shields
• Brings 32 bit ARM MCU into the world of Arduino
• Raspberry Pi and STM32 can work with each other to control the Arduino shields or other accessories
• 128 KB of flash memory and 20 KB of SRAM
• Form factor compatible with Arduino shields
• Enhances the control capability of Raspberry Pi
• A complete set of FREE CooCox ARM development tool platform for ARM development