More about ARM (263)

| AUTomotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) is a worldwide automotive consortium trying to create and establish an open and standardized s...

| Everyone has heard of the Raspberry Pi: for a couple of tens of dollars you get a tiny but complete Linux-based computer with a useful amoun...

| High on the list of bestsellers in Elektor’s book portfolio is Controller Area Network Projects with ARM and Arduino. This book details the...

| Although Windows RT at first glance resembles Windows 10 a lot, it is impossible to run 'standard' Windows applications on Windows RT. Perha...

| Due to rising demand for our creative services and products, Elektor is looking for new employees. Not only for our sales team, but also for...

| At CES 2016 (no typo) Samsung unveiled a smart fridge with a giant 1080p touchscreen attached to it. Exactly one year later at the same show...

| Editorials in the Elektor newsletter are usually about current or historical technological developments, but I would like to kick off 2017 w...

| To a bright New Year … Google may have reason to say too! To replace their somewhat hapless ‘Brillo’, the Internet company will out bring a...

| Having honed their technology for sub-threshold transistor-based ARM Cortex-M series processors, the Wizzards of Tiny-Amps at Ambiq Micro ha...

| Elektor has neglected to indicate to its readers the function of the editorial piece which, like this one, opens each new E-Zine. Even if i...