All items tagged with Cortex and LCD (20)

| Atmel has announced a new series of Atmel | SMART ARM® Cortex®-A5-based microprocessors (MPUs). Firmly targeted at IoT applications they are...

| Atmel has recently announced the addition of the SAM L22 series to its family of secure, ARM® Cortex® M0+-based MCUs. These new devices offe...

| ST Microelectronics have introduced a Development board powered by a STM32F746NGH6 microcontroller which has an ARM Cortex –M7 core with 1 M...

| C.H.I.P. is a complete computer board that costs just 9 Bucks! Launched on Kickstarter the 60 mm by 40 mm card includes a single core 1 GHz...

| Atmel have announced the introduction of the SAMA5D4 to their SAMA5 family of microcontrollers. These use an ARM Cortex A5 core and the new...

| Texas Instruments have introduced a new family of microcontrollers with built-in interfaces targeting applications associated with the ‘Inte...

| The compact computer boards offered by the open-source BeagleBoard organization support a variety of Linux distributions and provide laptop...

| A multimedia development kit based on NXP's dual-core LPC4357 ARM microcontroller is now available from element14. The high-performance,...

by JN

| More and more microcontroller boards are equipped with Arduino-compatible pinheaders (for example, see the ARM Cortex Board from Infineon ht...

| When we take a closer look at circuits using a microcontroller, it can be seen that in 75 % of cases the basic circuit is virtually identica...