More about phone (277)

| To be able to listen to bats you need to have a special detector that translates the high frequency signals (20 to 100 kHz) to sounds that a...

| An unexpected visitor can be a welcome surprise, but at other times you will have regretted answering that doorbell when and finding a less...

| When designing the urban infrastructure, use is made of models which try to predict what everyone's travel behavior will be. These models ar...

| Have a pee to charge your phone? This is possible according to the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol). They are running a succe...

| I regularly visit crowd-funding websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to see what interesting items pop up there, with the idea of posting...

| Smartphones have become the cornerstones of our lives. We use them for all sorts of things, including the occasional phone call. But with co...

| When the request for a Walabot review came in I was interested. I didn’t know much about the device, but I had heard that it was some kind o...

| Researchers from the Human Media Lab at Queens University in Kingston, Canada, have developed a holographic, flexible smartphone. The Holofl...

| How green can energy sources become? This crowd-funding project on Indiegogo proposes a system that will obtain the energy for your portable...

| In the previous instalment of this series I finally succeeded in providing control of hardware via the internet using IoT-specific protocols...