| If you like games and DIY electronics, Elektor has a project for you. This roulette circuit features 40 LEDs controlled by a microcontroller...
| If you like games and DIY electronics, Elektor has a project for you. This roulette circuit features 40 LEDs controlled by a microcontroller...
| Have you had your hands on an Arduino Uno R4 since its release? In this interview, Alessandro Ranellucci discusses the technical innovations...
| You can build a highly accurate 1-ms NTP clock with an ESP32 and a Wiznet W5500 Ethernet module. The design is perfect for precision timekee...
| The MAX7219 is a very useful and versatile display driver that can drive up to 64 LEDs independently. It’s well-known, but existing tutorial...
| Using PlatformIO with Visual Studio Code offers a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use environment for microcontroller firmware development....
| Add a melodic bell sound to your microcontroller clock with the ATtiny85. This project enhances your clock's functionality and charm with a...
| Tracking a vehicle’s electricity consumption over time is important, but being able to do so in relation to the nature of the route followed...
| With some insight from Gert Baars, you can build an instrument that integrates both a sweep frequency generator and a spectrum analyzer. Let...
| Interested in measuring EV power consumption? With this design, you can detect the basic electrical parameters of a traction motor by relati...
| The HU-053 is an inexpensive LC-Meter kit available online that measures capacitance, inductance, and frequency. It features easy-to-solder,...