All items tagged with Cortex and Cortex-M (16)

| After many months of waiting the BBC has finally started handing out its delayed micro:bit boards to schools and teachers. The micro:bit is...

| The Atmel Xplained evaluation kits for their Cortex-M0+ devices have an on-board, single chip debug tool called EDBG that provides two hardw...

| Ever since the discovery of the field of electronics it has been an industry obsession to make components as small as possible. After reduci...

| During an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on November 19, 2015, the Dialog Semiconductor shareholders have approved the a...

| ARM's mbed platform started out a few years ago as a cloud compiler for small modules equiped with an ARM Cortex-M microcontroller. The free...

| Some months ago we reported that in the UK, the BBC were planning to shower unsuspecting school children with free pocket-sized codeable com...