All items tagged with Free and LED (10)

| With the compliments of the Elektor Editorial and Labs teams, here is a 'fresh' article presented free of charge to all Elektor e-zine subsc...

| The colours are mostly okay but we want lamps to be s-m-a-r-t-e-r. Like use the processing power of a smartphone to light in rhythm with mus...

| A proportional radio control is ideal for controlling the speed and direction of model cars, planes or boats. Unfortunately, there are often...

| This article describes the electronics, the BL600 program and the Android program; the last being an Android smartphone application with whi...

| Take out a FREE Trial Membership and receive not only two new editions of Elektor magazine but also four months of access to all our online...

| The MAXREFDES99#, RD99 for friends, is an Arduino form-factor extension board sporting a 16x16 LED array and the necessary drivers for it. T...

| The June 2016 edition of Elektor Business Magazine (EBM) reflects the diversity that has become so typical for LED technology. You will find...

| We are welcoming in 2016 with the availability of Elektor’s January & February 2016 edition for purchase either as a printed magazine or as...

|  LET'S MAKE! (a deal)During April 2014, all members posting projects in Elektor.LABS will receive a "Fun with LEDs" book for free.

| Here’s a playful yet educational application of a Freescale MC9S08 microcontroller. It continues from last month’s Attack of the SpYder arti...