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About Test and Measurement

The V-LD1 FMCW radar sensor simplifies distance measurement without the need for specialized signal processing expertise, making it ideal fo...

Learn how to set up a LoRaWAN gateway, connect it to IoT sensors and transmit data to the cloud. With this informative tutorial, real-time m...

Chinese manufacturers of measuring equipment keep surprising us with affordable multifunction instruments that we would not have thought pos...

Related tag Test and Measurement

| This Sensor Node project, which uses low-energy and long-range LoRa data transmission, can be used for remote environmental monitoring. Util...

| Giovanni Becattini provides a 130-page supplement to his bestselling book "Tektronix Epic Oscilloscopes".

| The fingerprint-readout function is widely used in high-tech devices such as notebooks, advanced keyboards, and automated access control, bu...