More about Microchip (240)

| [Partner Content] The new PIC16F131xx family of microcontrollers offered by Microchip is a perfect response to the constant evolution and ev...

| [Partner Content] The early access to MPLAB® Extensions for VS Code® provides designers with the ability to utilize Microchip’s development...

| [Partner Content] Designers can speed time to market for their on-board charger application with key technologies from one supplier, includi...

| [Partner Content] Company’s portfolio additions join the only Bluetooth Low Energy offering of its kind spanning modules, System-on-Chip (So...

| [Partner Content] Microchip has announced the release of version 2.4 of the TimeProvider® 4100 grandmaster firmware with an embedded BlueSky...

| Designers encountering challenges with testing equipment via the OBD vehicle diagnostic port often face limitations. The MiniSim OBD simulat...

| This article presents the journey of developing an energy meter using an Espressif ESP32, emphasizing real-time power consumption monitoring...

| [Partner Content] Microchip has announced the new family of PIC32CK 32-bit microcontrollers with an integrated Hardware Security Module subs...

| A Microchip Technology PIC microcontroller can be an accurate solution for calculating the timing of a pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal d...

| Are you tired of trade-offs due to the lack of I/O ports whilst developing your designs with a preferred platform? Do you want more to handl...